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Archive for the '19. DAY 15 - Gilgit -> Lahore' Category

Found the hotel!

Posted by Claudio on September 16th, 2005

After wondering around for a while, we found this one. I’m actually surprised that they accept us given the conditions we are. Of course, we need to pay in advance. Who cares. We pay, we take the shower and we go straight to bed.

In Lahore!!

Posted by Claudio on September 16th, 2005

We are finally arrived in Lahore. The trip as been a torture. 300km in 7 hours. We did a total of some 24 hours of bus. Every single bone hurts and our brains are basically off. We only need to find one hotel as soon as possible.

From Islamabad to Lahore

Posted by Claudio on September 15th, 2005

16 hours on the bus was not enough. We decide to take the local bus to Lahore. It’s only some 300km and we thought it’s going to take some 3-4 hours. The bus was packed with people, very slow and broke one tyre (again). I was sitting in the corner in the very back with my legs in my stomach because the seats were too small and with one pakistai sleeping on my shoulder. A torture!!

Finally in Islamabad

Posted by Claudio on September 15th, 2005

It’s 11pm, we have been sitting on the bus for some 16 hours. We are totally exhausted. The bus driver has been continuously driving the bus on this mountain road for 16 hours with only one break for lunch. Amazing, where does he get all the energy ? We thank him a lot and we think what to do now in Islamabad.

bus break

Posted by Claudio on September 15th, 2005

Just a short stop for changing one tyre. The driver is amazing. He has been driving for already 7 hours and it seems that Islamabad is still 10 hours away!!! We don’t really get it because Gilgit-Islamabad is only 500km and he’s driving like crazy (not even cars have been passing us but we have been passing anyone else!!) on a mountain road.

lunch break

Posted by Claudio on September 15th, 2005

Just half an hour break for lunch, praying and taking the photo. The driver was not tolerant with people who were late. Some of them had to run and catch the bus while it was leaving.

On the bus

Posted by Claudio on September 15th, 2005

We have found the Minister of Safety of Pakistan. He’s just sitting in the
front center.

6:30, loading the bus with our bikes

Posted by Claudio on September 15th, 2005

6am, leaving Gilgit

Posted by Claudio on September 15th, 2005