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On the way back…

Posted by Simone on September 18th, 2005

Originally we were supposed to fly with Swe fly from Lahore to Stockholm but since they decided to fraud all the customer going into administration we re-book the whole trip with Emirates from Karachi. At the end we replace the Swe Fly with Lahore - Karachi (Air Blue), Karachi - Dubai (Emirates), Dubai - Wien (Emirates), Wien - Helsinki (Finnair). Thanks SWE Fly

Nanga Parbat in the early morning - 8126m

Posted by Simone on September 13th, 2005

Pakistani truck!!!!!

Posted by Simone on September 8th, 2005

Locals use the suspended bridge on a daily base

Posted by Simone on September 7th, 2005

Crossing time of locals : 5min, Our crossing time was between 10 and 25 minutes.

Suspended bridge

Posted by Simone on September 7th, 2005

Beleive me: it’s a scary stuff

Cooked: Medium - Well!!

Posted by Simone on September 7th, 2005

Gilgit is the arrival!!!!!!!!

Posted by Simone on September 7th, 2005

Still 30km for today. We are biking from Sust to Passu.

5000m Chinese - Pakistan border

Posted by Simone on September 6th, 2005

You don’t imagine how the human beeing feel at this altitude. I got a huge terrible headache.

Now is the time to enter in Pakistan…

Posted by Simone on September 6th, 2005

Unfortunately the chinese army obliged us to get on a bus in order to reach Pakistan. As you can see our bikes are crying on the roof and we are not happy at all. We argued with the driver but according to the chinese flexibility was not possible to unload the bikes …

Leaving China

Posted by Simone on September 6th, 2005

Those are the last few km in the chinese land

Sun protection???

Posted by Simone on September 5th, 2005

it’s really hot over here. Do I look tired?


Posted by Simone on September 4th, 2005

This is the highest point where we have been with our bikes. It was hard but we did it

….endless road!!!!

Posted by Simone on September 4th, 2005

Cycling day by day!!!

Posted by Simone on September 4th, 2005

Cycling km by km!!!!

Posted by Simone on September 4th, 2005

Wonderful kids burnt by the sun as well.

Posted by Simone on September 4th, 2005

A wonderful kid

Posted by Simone on September 4th, 2005

The view from my sleeping bag

Posted by Simone on September 3rd, 2005

Besides the beautiful view, we spent the night more or less with this discussion:
“Are you sleeping?”
“Me either”
“Yes, you have. You have been snoring all the time”
“Me ? I haven’t closed my eyes yet… It’s you has been snoring all the time”
“Me ? I have been awake all night”
and on and on…

I think our brains were bubbling because of the altitude. We had the impression of not sleeping but we actually did.

Ghez -> Almost to Karakul Lake

Posted by Simone on September 3rd, 2005

To tell you the truth this was an amazing night, looking at this great mountains!!!

Distance for today: 61km
Altitude difference: 2300m. -> 3500m.
Biking time: 7:20

Biking on unpaved road really slowed us down. Not to talk about the frequent trucks, busses, cars and all the dust in the air.

Mt. Muztagata - 7509m

Posted by Simone on September 3rd, 2005

Unfortunately some members of an expedition lost their lives over there few weeks ago. Local people said the reason was the bad weather condition and they got frozen. But it looks so easy to climb and reachable.

Unpaved road!!!

Posted by Simone on September 3rd, 2005

A nightmare is going to start. The road will be unpaved until the border with Pakistan (200km)!!!! But just around the corner we got the first view of the impressive Muztagh Ata.

Local population living in the mountains in China!!!

Posted by Simone on September 3rd, 2005

Our babies

Posted by Simone on September 3rd, 2005

Breathing after a steep slope!!!!

Posted by Simone on September 3rd, 2005

A standard bus!!!!

Posted by Simone on September 2nd, 2005

Kashgar -> Somewhere before Ghez

Posted by Simone on September 1st, 2005

Distance: 83Km.
Altitude difference: 1300m. -> 1700m.
Biking time: 5h:30m

Finally we can have some rest. Ghez is too far away to reach and we stop somewhere along the road. We put the tent, check the bikes and we cook our delicious dinner: one package of chinese instant noodles, a fistfull of rice and some slices of wurstel. Claudio also got his first puncture. The dust (that doesn’t show in the picture) was everywhere!!

Having some food and a bit of rest…after the first 50km!

Posted by Simone on September 1st, 2005

A small restaurant in Upal.

Our first break on the first day!!!

Posted by Simone on September 1st, 2005

Sleeping with our new friends!!!!

Posted by Simone on August 30th, 2005

Excellent and cheap flight with a brand new plane. We landed at 1am and we went straight to the hotel. We spent a couple of hours re-assembling the bikes. I think we were excited like kids opening the Christmas’ presents. It has been a long day. From Novosibirsk to Kashgar while bike shopping in Urumqi… We still can’t believe it.

Almost ready!!!!!

Posted by Simone on August 30th, 2005

Posted by Simone on August 30th, 2005

Our chinese friend “sigma” is preparing our bikes. He was really fast and available. Thanks!

Soup on the street ?

Posted by Simone on August 30th, 2005

Claudio forced me to eat something special along the street…

Russian old taxi

Posted by Simone on August 28th, 2005

for 500 ruble we are going straight to the airport to catch our tupolev to siberia.

Siberia airline hello!

Posted by Simone on August 28th, 2005

tonight we go to siberia. We’ve already changed our plan but i guess it is gonna worth.

New learnings from russia

Posted by Simone on August 27th, 2005

there are not ugly girls in the world but just few vodka.

Do you caviar traininig?

Posted by Simone on August 27th, 2005

Hermitage museum st petesburg.

Posted by Simone on August 27th, 2005

Simply amazing

Posted by Simone on August 27th, 2005

Do you russia?

Posted by Simone on August 26th, 2005

Posted by Simone on August 26th, 2005

What about this?


Posted by Simone on August 26th, 2005

we left

My baby as well

Posted by Simone on August 26th, 2005

Ready to go!

Chinese VISA: GRANTED!!!

Posted by Simone on August 25th, 2005

Finally today we completed the latest burocratic operations. Now, the preparation phase has been completed (Just in time). Ciao

Fuel bars

Posted by Simone on August 24th, 2005

Dear Readers, as you can see we are almost at the end of our shopping that has been started 2 weeks ago. Tomorrow morning I’m going to get the Chinese VISA and on Friday we will open the real show. Few seconds ago, I went to the haircut, that is russian of course, and she told me that since we decided to fligh Siberia Airline we should drink as much Vodka as we can just not to be aware about any possible inconvenient.
I was shocked!

By the way, hopefully the power bar you can see in the picture above will help me a bit during the trip. I’ve never try them so the effect should be stronger. Let’s hope I didn’t waste money.

Bye, for now.

Russian VISA: GRANTED!!!!!!!

Posted by Simone on August 19th, 2005

I’ve just received now the 2 passports with the fantastic Russian visa ready to be used to take off from St. Petesburg. Next Step, on Monday we will apply for the Chinese one and the loop is gonna be closed! Ops, I forgot, we should buy the ticket for the train from Helsinki to St. Petesburg and the ticket for the party boat :-) from Stockholm to Helsinki. And the loop now is really closed.

A simple but beautiful map

Posted by Simone on August 11th, 2005

Terrain profile

Posted by Simone on August 11th, 2005

Pakistan VISA: GRANTED!!!!!

Posted by Simone on August 11th, 2005

I like this VISA….

Posted by Simone on August 8th, 2005

Hi, even during my daily work I’m thinking about this biking trip. I’m really looking forward. The countdown is already started. Simone